Performex® uses a variety of insightful assessments to provide understanding and awareness for the participants in our leadership and organizational development programs. We continuously examine available assessments and make investments to our portfolio of tools to provide the best tools available. Our current assessment portfolio includes the tools below:
The Birkman Method® assesses motivation and perception to help individuals understand how their unique mindset impacts relationships, performance, and attitude. One of the most powerful uses of Birkman is for personal development. The report provides an understanding of how a person reacts in certain situations. When used with teams, the information can help team members see how they can best work together.
Performex® is a certified practitioner for The Birkman method and uses the instrument for Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, and Team Development Programs.
The CPI® 260 (California Psychological Inventory®) is a sophisticated personality assessment from Myers-Briggs that provides a distinctive view of people applying for or incumbent in leadership positions. Using a sophisticated technique to extract detailed personality insights, it summarizes and explains how other people would see that person and judge their leadership style. In this way, it provides a unique view of leadership ability or potential that cannot be accessed by most other personality assessments.
Access to the CPI®260 instrument is restricted to qualified CPI practitioners. Performex has been a qualified practitioner for several years and offers the tool exclusively for our clients for executive coaching programs and recruiting support.
The Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile uses a research-validated learning model to create a highly personalized learner experience. The profile is workplace-specific with in-depth information, including tips, strategies, and action plans to help participants become more effective at interacting with others and building productive working relationships.
Performex® utilizes the DiSC assessment in the Influencing module of the Summit Leadership Excellence Program™ and in team building and custom programs.
The FIRO-B assessment measures the extent to which people attempt to satisfy three basic social needs: Inclusion (participation, recognition, belonging), Control (power, authority, influence), and Affection (openness, warmth, closeness). FIRO-B then measures how much one initiates behavior in these three areas (expressed) and how much one would like others to initiate that behavior toward him or her (wanted). Each of these needs has a direct impact on your leadership, relationship building skills and reaction to disagreements. The purpose of the assessment is to gain self-awareness of tendencies in group and one-on-one settings.
Performex utilizes the FIRO-B assessment for the Summit Leadership Excellence Program™ and other leadership and team development programs.
Hogan Assessments provide valuable tools for improving performance in both leaders and their employees. Hogan assessments are engineered to produce genuine and lifelong professional development, giving you a clear path toward organizational success. These assessments are used for both Talent Acquistion screening and Talen Development
Access to the Hogan Assessment is restricted to certified practitioners. Performex is a certified practitioner and offers the tool exclusively for our clients for executive coaching programs and recruiting support.
By completing HRDQ - What's My Leadership Style, participants will gain an awareness of their leadership styles. With this critical information, they will be able to make deliberate choices about the most effective way to lead in different situations.
Performex utilizes the HRDQ assessment in the Zenith Emerging Leader and Sherpa Frontline Supervisor programs along with other applications.
From our proprietary Summit Leadership Program 360º multi-rater survey to competency-specific assessments, the Performex® instructional design team can create on-line assessments and tools for every need. Using our vast library of content and knowledge of adult learning, our team can create tools to help our participants see their strengths and development opportunities.
The TKI® (THOMAS KILMANN CONFLICT MODE INSTRUMENT) is the world’s best-selling conflict management tool from Myers-Briggs. The instrument helps people understand how different conflict management styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics, empowering them to choose the best approach for any situation.
Performex utilizes the TKI instrument for our custom programs and coaching sessions where conflict management is an issue.